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An addictive game for football nerds

I built Clubbed with Liam Alexander between April and October 2022, not long after I began learning Javascript.

The game replicates one I’ve played many times over the years, where you have to name as many football clubs an individual player has played for in their career. I hadn’t seen an online version of this game, so it seemed a good project to start with.

Building this app taught me about how to approach problem solving in CSS and Javascript, as well as allowed me to develop skills in both. For example, utilizing local and session storage for the scoring system, creating a working two minute game timer, using mapped arrays to match player guesses with the club lists and a number of style choices to avoid insufficient colour contrasts and too much white space.

I think I learnt more about Front End Development from building this game than I would have done from just following a tutorial. It taught me the importance of good UX and has provided me with a good springboard to stay motivated and continue improving.